
Farming Systems Facing Climate Change and Resource Challenges

Farming Systems Facing Climate Change and Resource Challenges

Known scenarios of climate change set the need for adaptive management and adaptation of the farming systems of the future. The ongoing changes require particular attention to resources, not just the efficient use of natural resources as water and soil, but also the care for human and social resources and their capacity to adapt to the global world maintaining linkages to the local sphere. These are particularly sensitive and urgent topics in the Mediterranean Basin, where this 2020 Conference will be held – but nonetheless, these topics are also at the top of the agenda in all regions of the world. These are challenges we would like to see discussed and reflected upon in this IFSA Conference, exploring the potentialities of the farming systems approach. We would like the IFSA community to be active in contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.

Teresa Pinto Correia
14th IFSA Conference Chair



Theme 1: Innovation support services

Innovation Support Services/ ISS (found in the literature under different labels such as extension and advisory services, intermediary organizations, etc.), conceived as an integral part of Agricultural (Knowledge and) Innovation Systems (AKIS/ AIS), face theoretical and practical challenges…

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Theme 2: The intersection of science and practice: farming system perspectives

Agricultural sciences have to operate at the interface between technological, economic, political, natural, social and different knowledge systems. At the farm scale, science also has to intersect with the complex decision…

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Theme 3: Agroecology as a response to climate change

Agriculture faces many different challenges and has partly lost its connections with nature and with society. This led to several undesired and mostly unforeseen negative consequences. The search for more sustainable pathways for agriculture development has…

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Theme 4: Food systems, networks and power structures

Agri-food systems are among the most important human-environmental systems that shape our society. The sustainability of food…

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Theme 5: Smart technologies in farming and food systems

Smart Farming indicates application of different forms of digitalisation in the agriculture sector, such as sensor driven agriculture…

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Theme 6: Landscape integration of farming

Governance actors, networks and their mutual interactions are key drivers of the (past, present and future) trajectories of change in land-use and farming systems…

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